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Money Talks

Big ideas start small, and raising money for a cause can seem both exhilarating and daunting. Where do you start? How do you promote a campaign, for example, let alone find one you want to support? Who will you target for donations? How do you make a video?



In the Event of an Emergency

If you find yourself checking in to the hospital, these four tips can help you prepare in the event of an emergency.


1. Be Prepared

If you’re alone and have a seizure, you may not be able to advocate for yourself. Keep this info in your purse or wallet:



Epilepsy and the Importance of Staying Healthy

People who have seizures are at risk for health complications, even death, so it’s important to stay healthy.



Teach Your Hospital About Epilepsy

Ted C.* was 24 when he wrecked his car. He was rushed to a hospital emergency room by ambulance. Although he wasn’t badly injured, he seemed disoriented and didn’t know what had happened.


EpilepsyAdvocate is a community of people living with epilepsy, their family members, and their caregivers.