Talking About Triggers
Common seizure triggers are lack of sleep and bad diet—these five people with epilepsy created better habits to manage their condition.
Common seizure triggers are lack of sleep and bad diet—these five people with epilepsy created better habits to manage their condition.
Does epilepsy affect your life—or does your life affect your epilepsy? Believe it or not, from school stress to menopause, certain life milestones can have an impact on your seizure activity.
Founder of Purple Day for epilepsy worldwide
From: Nova Scotia, Canada
Diagnosed with epilepsy at age 7
“I would like to tell other people with epilepsy to remember that they are NEVER alone.”
Not sure what to look for in a relationship with a caregiver? Start with trust, respect and communication, and print out this handy checklist to remind you of other helpful tips.